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Militarized Interstate Disputes Network Analysis

Militarized Interstate Disputes Network Analysis

R Quarto University-Project

In this assignment we analyzed the Military Interstate Disputes V5.0 dataset of the correlates of war project using the Louvain and Leading-Eigenvector algorithm. The analysis reveals international hegemony and postcolonial structures as a underlying structures generating military conflicts, aswell as geographical location and sharing borders.

Harry Potter Network Analysis

Harry Potter Network Analysis

R Quarto University-Project

For this assignment we analyzed the Harry Potter supportnetwork from Rsiena using standard descriptive network statistics. The analysis also included a simulation for checking the robustness of the network. The main result displays the relative position of characters and the focus of the story.

Systembolaget Mining

Systembolaget Mining

R Scraping Private-Project

It is impossible to never hear of Systembolaget when studying in Sweden. I downloaded the productinformation of Swedens National alcoholmonopol "Systembolaget" to investigate the relation between the price and alcoholcontent across different categories of beverage.

Bachelor Thesis

Bachelor Thesis

R University-Project

The thesis conducts a sentiment analysis of 121,789 English-language abstracts of sociological articles from the Web of Science database (1993-2023) with two dictionaries to increase validity. Interval plots, linear regressions and Monte Carlo simulations are used to examine temporal trends in positive and negative sentiment. The study provides no evidence for a substantial increase in positive framing.

Matrix Movie Comment Analysis

Matrix Movie Comment Analysis

R Private-Project

For this project I downloaded all comments for the matrix movies on letterboxed. The results of a sentimentanalysis were analysed with correspondence analysis. I also heavily customized the final plot to fit the styles of the matrix movies.

Sustainable Places in Giessen

Interactive Map of Sustainable Places in Giessen

R Quarto HTML University-Project

For the "Haus der Nachhaltigkeit" seminar during my bachelor I created this Map as a mini-project among others. The map displays several sustainable places in giessen allowing the user to filter for different types of places.

Image Sharpness Analysis

Image Sharpness Analysis

R Private-Project

This project compares the sharpness of 2 pictures I made of the moon (More Astrophotography Here).
This analysis helps identify differences in the frequency components between the two moon images. Higher magnitude at higher frequencies indicates more fine details and edges in the image. The density plot shows how these frequency components are distributed differently between the old and new moon images.

Statistics 1 Tutorial Materials

Statistics 1 Tutorial Materials

R Quarto University-Project

These are the materials I created for the statistics-tutorial for the bachelorstudents in giessen. The selection and order of topics is from Prof. Dr. Dipl-Soz. Elmar Schlüters lecture. I came up with almost all of the examples, formula explanations and practice-tasks.

Statistics 2 Tutorial Materials

Statistics 2 Tutorial Materials

R Quarto HTML University-Project

These tutorial materials are more of a showcase of my Markdown2Website Tool I made for creating simple webpages quickly where the markdownfiles are directly rendered in the browser.

Netflix History Dashboard

Netflix History Dashboard

R Shiny Private-Project

This Shinydashboard lets the user upload her/his netflix history wich can be downloaded via the netflix settings. Based on the uploaded file statistics are being displayed. This is my first Shinydashboard which I created 2023.

Barbie Wordcorrelations Bad Rating

Letterboxed Comment Analysis

R Scraping HTML Private-Project

This was my first scraping project in 2023. After preparing the scraper I analysed the comments of the Barbiemovie that just came out and was discussed quite heavily on social media after its release. The correlationnetworks were the first networks I ever created in R